接受资助 – 安健肿瘤治疗中心接受资助

How to Accept the Support of Others

During the course of your cancer treatment, friends, family and loved ones may want to lend a hand and offer their support. This may come in the form of a phone call, a card, a visit, a home-cooked meal, or help with household chores. Although you may feel the need to "be strong" for others by rejecting these offers, it is very important that you accept these well-wishes and gestures of support. Here’s why…

A supportive environment will allow you to conserve your mental and physical energy for the activities that are most important to you. Relieving a few of life’s normal daily pressures allows you to focus on your physical health and supports your ability to cope. Friends and family can help to solve simple and not-so-simple daily tasks, such as what to have for dinner, so that you don't have to. Accepting support also brings you closer to loved ones, friends and your community.

Ultimately, accepting the support of others, whether these are gestures of good-will, prayers, or gifts, can help you remember the goodness in life which will promote positive feelings and a positive outlook. Feeling supported helps you cope with treatment, partner with your oncology care team and achieve the health outcomes you desire. So when your neighbors ask if there’s anything they can do to help, remind them that a little chicken soup or some simple TLC (tender loving care) goes a long way towards supporting your health during this stressful time.

